Patrick In The Box - Particle CounterOptical particle monitor - Measuring principle : light obscuration For measuring and monitoring particle contamination in hydraulic systems, or direct from bottle samples. Use with hydraulic oils and other mineral-based oils. The portable particle monitor, determines and monitors the contamination level of your hydraulic systems or oil sample. By direct connection to Minimess® test points or by means of offline sampling, the measuring device defines the oils contamination class according to ISO4406, SAE AS4059, NAS1638 or GOST17216. The particle monitor is calibrated with test dust in accordance with ISO 11943 standards. With Patrick, the contamination levels and the trend of the cleanliness of fluids can be observed. It consists of a flow-through cell, a laser and a photodiode. The indication of the cleanliness level is either in accordance with ISO4406: 99 or SAE AS4059. Measurement of contamination in hydraulic and oil industry with non-aggressive fluids. By continuous monitoring of the purity, changes can be detected very quickly.